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From Topic: Photo of my bomberman pile.
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Duke Serkol

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Joined: 02 Jul 2006
Posts: 529
Post#10  Posted: Sat Sep 20, 2008 8:36 am  Reply with quote + 
DragonBomber wrote:
TG16 manual

Ah yes, that's what I mean. I tend to get the Japanese and western names of the system confused. I couldn't read the Japanese one anyway :oops: 

DragonBomber wrote:
It is hundreds of years from now, and you are the first robot created by the famous Dr. Mitsumori.

Mh... hundreds of year in the future. That doesn't rule out the possibility of having the story set on another planet too, but it seems evident that they had not decided this until the sequel Bomberman 93.
Dr. Mitsumori... I wonder if he was retconned into Dr. Ein (I've read claims that Ein is Bomberman's creator, but not from any reliable source)... or if it has been changed when they translated the game (but I doubt it, they would have given him an English name).

DragonBomber wrote:
Through a programming error, Dr. Mitsumori's second robot, "Black Bomberman," has gone berserk. Seeking to control the world

Eh, that sounds like the plot of Telebugs. Considering that they too had monitors as their heads, I wonder if it's more than a coincidence.

DragonBomber wrote:

he has kidnapped Dr. Mitsumori's only daughter, Lisa. Now he is hiding out in the mysterious Mechanical Castle.

Ah, so that's who she is. Although, honestly, I always thought so. It isn't hard to guess.
And the castle is... mysterious? :mystery: 

DragonBomber wrote:
find Dr. Mitsumori's daughter--ultimately destroying Black Bomberman and his evil followers.

Yeah right, destroy *lol*
I gather "his evil followers" translates to (or at least includes) the other Bombers you fight before he shows up. But seeing as they are not described as creations of the good Doctor, does this mean they are copies Black Bomber made of himself?

DragonBomber wrote:
Page 7 lists enemies but without the photos it isn't much good listing. The Floater is called a Barom here

They are called that in several games I reckon. It's really a mistranslation of Balloom.
Does the enemy listing say anything to the other Bombermen?

Thanks for the transcription! I had been trying to find one for ages! :veryhappy: 
Metroid: Other M - As in "There's the good Metroid games... we chose to do one of some Other Make altogether."
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