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Joined: 28 Apr 2008
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Post#9  Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2008 9:03 pm  Reply with quote + 
Duke Serkol wrote:
Nice pic Dragon Bomber!

I see you have the first PCE Bomberman with box and manual! Can you please scan the page that tells the story of the game? (Assuming there is one. Bomberboy did not have it so one can never be sure)

Page 1 of TG16 manual

It is hundreds of years from now, and you are the first robot created by the famous Dr. Mitsumori. As "Bomberman," you possess awesome power, but you have been programmed only for the pursuit of goodness and justice. But alas, Dr. Mitsumori has made a terrible mistake.

Through a programming error, Dr. Mitsumori's second robot, "Black Bomberman," has gone berserk. Seeking to control the world, he has kidnapped Dr. Mitsumori's only daughter, Lisa. Now he is hiding out in the mysterious Mechanical Castle. Your job? Infiltrate the Castle, rescue Lisa, and rid the world of this mechanized misfit once and for all!

Object of the Game
When playing a one player game, your mission is to find Dr. Mitsumori's daughter--ultimately destroying Black Bomberman and his evil followers. In order to complete your mission, you must advance through all 8 stages (64 rounds) of the game while scoring as many points as you can along the way. Look for special items during each stage--they will increase your power and your chances of finding Lisa!

When playing a two, three, four or five player game, you must defeat all other Bombermen and win a predetermined number of rounds in order to become the "Bomber Champ."

Page 7 lists enemies but without the photos it isn't much good listing. The Floater is called a Barom here, worth 100 points, and in NES Bomberman it is called a Valcom also worth 100 points. :) I love reading these manuals.
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